Happy anniversary to Libertas!

What do we want for our 10th Anniversary?


Overall Campaign Goal

TOTAL FUNDING: $11 Million

FUNDS SECURED: $6.4 Million


TIMELINE: 2023-2027

Pre-campaign funding: complete

Campaign launch: September 1, 2024

Libertas is one of the fastest improving and highest achieving among our peers across the state – our students have flipped the narrative about communities like ours.

In the next decade to come, Libertas is poised to achieve even more for our students.

In response to persistent need in the community for more and better educational options, and insistent demand from over 98% of our families, we are expanding our current school, and launching a new middle school. We have just acquired the Frayser campus of Southwest Tennessee Community College, which we are transforming into an innovative national model for urban public Montessori learning.

We are investing $11 million in our students, families, and teachers. Thanks to generous and favorable community lending, and the support of donors and funders, we are more than halfway there!

But we still need $4.6 million to reach our goal.

With your help, our growing school will change lives in Memphis and our training partner communities across the Mid-South.


build: $2,500,000

Renovate recently acquired Southwest TN Community College Frayser campus for our middle school.

Classrooms, library, science lab

Gymnasium, and athletic fields

Multi-purpose arts performance space

“Manual arts” workshop and learning kitchen

Grow: $600,000

Startup costs for 250 new elementary & middle school seats.

Teacher training, curriculum development

Enrichment programming, library, technology

Enhance: $900,000

Provide services to meet the needs of every child - above and beyond what is possible on public funds.

Wraparound family services

Special education

Arete Public Montessori Teacher Residency

Pre-Kindergarten and Nido childcare

Extended learning: afterschool, summer camp, tutoring

Sustain: $600,000

Secure a 120-day operating reserve proportional to our expanded size.

Many public funds are paid on reimbursement, often taking 3 months. A health reserve fund ensures sustained, uninterrupted programming.

Check out the plans for our new Middle School Campus

New Gymnasium, Forum, and Manual Arts Building

Take the NExt Step: Schedule a Tour to see IT yourself

We love to show off our students and teachers! Our classrooms are specially curated places with mixed age students working independently or in small groups on their individual academic growth goal.

Come see our unique model of learning in person:

We are grateful for your support of our school 

Smaller gifts are always welcome:

Checks payable to Libertas School can be mailed to:

Libertas School of Memphis
3777 Edenburg Drive
Memphis, TN 38127

The Libertas School of Memphis is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our tax ID is 46-4684942. Contributions to organizations with 501(c)(3) status may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Questions? Reach out to our Development Office.


"It takes a village to raise a child" is a familiar proverb to all of us. At Libertas, we know that children need to be surrounded by adults who know, love, and expect the best from them. Libertas collaborates with families, faith communities, wraparound service providers and other neighborhood pillars to foster a nurturing village of attachment and support. We would love for you to become a part of our ‘village!”

There are numerous volunteer opportunities at Libertas, including:

  • Reading with students

  • Joining the Family Committee 

  • Assisting in the office or at a school event

Contact our office to schedule at (901) 609-3611 or email us.